Total Connect 2.0: Using More than One Skybell

3 years ago

In this video, Jarrett from Alarm Grid explains how you can use up to five (5) SkyBell Video Doorbell devices with a single Total Connect 2.0 account. Any user who needs support for more than five SkyBell devices can add a second video monitoring account for an additional fee. Each additional Total Connect 2.0 account will provide support for five additional SkyBell devices.

A SkyBell Video Doorbell is normally installed in-place of a traditional doorbell. The existing wires will provide power for the SkyBell device. The SkyBell communicate with the SkyBell servers to send recorded clips. Total Connect 2.0 then communicates with the SkyBell servers so that the user can access the clips from Total Connect 2.0. This allows the user to conveniently access one single app for their security functions.

It is important to remember that clips are stored on the SkyBell servers, not the Total Connect 2.0 servers. Any clip on the SkyBell servers will be deleted after seven (7) days. Once a clip has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. A user must make sure to save any clip for permanent use before it is deleted. Saving a clip involves storing it on a hard drive for permanent use.

Up to five (5) SkyBell devices can be synced with a single Total Connect 2.0 account. If a user wants to use additional SkyBell devices with Total Connect 2.0, then it is necessary to create a secondary account. This secondary account can be linked with the user's primary account so that they can access both accounts from a single login. Each additional account will provide support for five (5) more SkyBell Video Doorbell devices. Most users will not exceed the allowed five devices, but if they do, then a second account can really come in handy in creating their desired setup.

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