***New Spin Fresh Off The Wheel! // Winding yarn around tree stumps//

2 years ago

I was bored with my normal yarn winding ventures. For some reason amongst all of my tools I don't actually have a Kniddy Knoddy nor do I have a Swift or even a ball winder......so today a couple of logs from the backyard will have to do!

I am winding off a spool of handspun that I first carded on my drum carder. It is a mixture of Pygora from right here on the homestead and various other fibers that were purchased.

**Note: The channel got a new name! I have updated the website so it was fitting that the channel should match. MAA stands for Mountain Acres Academy, which is what we have dubbed our homeschool for years, and also just happens to be the most common sound you here at our home from goats and the tiny humans running about.


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