NFL All Day Marketplace is Open!

3 years ago

Detailed information and analysis of the opening of the NFL All Day Marketplace. Information about the Super Bowl LVI Premium Pack Drop on February 18th, 2022.

To start, only listing and delisting will be available until we enable purchasing on Tuesday, Feb 22. This will give fans a chance to test the listing/delisting process without the risk of a Moment selling before you're ready - just be sure that whatever you have listed on Tuesday is all set as sales/purchases will be possible.

How do I list a NFL All Day Moment for sale?
Starting today, you can list one or more of your Moments for sale on the marketplace.

Click on the “MY COLLECTION” tab at the top of the site to access your Moments.

Click “Sell” on whichever Moment you would like to list and enter your desired sale price into the pop-up display.

You will be asked to confirm using your Dapper Wallet, as each listing or de-listing of a Moment is registered as a “transaction” on the FLOW blockchain.

Once the Moment is successfully listed, you will see a screen that says “Transaction Complete.”

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