LATE warning system: 54% of deaths in latests VAERS update were jabbed April 2021 or before!

2 years ago

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is meant, at least in theory, to not only detect possible harms of a vaccine, but to do so EARLY. This way, a vaccination program can be stopped before the carnage gets too large. This happened for instance with the swine flu vaccination program in the 1976, which was halted after 50 deaths. See:

Mike Wallace 60 Minutes Exposes Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Fallout of 1976

I have shared video's before and written descriptions on how this early warning system is completely failing us. See for instance:

Example of late reporting and unreliable data in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Vaxx injured woman: Only 50 employees at VAERS department to collect MILLIONS of reports!

It does the population no good to know 3 years after the fact that the injection that the majority of population got multiple times, was highly toxic. Stale information lose much of its value.

In this video, Alberto Benavidez shows that a whopping 54% of the deaths mentioned in the most recently published batch of VAERS data were vaxxed about 9 months ago or before. Note that only a minority of the injections had been made at this point.

Deaths have happened also a long time ago. The one example of a person who only recently died is not a valid excuse for VAERS if the adverse reaction had not been reported earlier, since the adverse reaction started very shortly after injection.

This case also shows that people don't always die immediately from adverse events, but may suffer and decline for many before before finally dying (or committing suicide or getting euthanasia because the suffering is unbearable). If you look at the death statistics in the mean time, they may not look that bad.

The most generous explanation for this severe and unacceptable delay, is that the government is totally unequipped to handle this deluge of adverse event reports and that they have an enormous backlog of reports to process. A less generous explanation would be that they are purposely 'throttling' the publishing of data to have the mass vaxx program continue as long as possible and delay the inevitable publishing of the fiasco.

Even with the presumably enormous backlog, the published adverse events in VAERS were 30x as large as in an normal year. Just the adverse events reported in the first 4 WEEKS of 2022 were equal to ALL the adverse events reported in the whole YEAR of 2007.


Liz Murrill testifies: VAERS is broken, built to vax as many people as possible, diminish concerns

Registered nurse Melissa McKinney testifies: VAERS numbers are severely underreported

Registered nurse testifies at Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing: "This madness has to stop"


See and use the tools that Alberto has developed and shared for adverse event analysis:


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