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A Whole Lotta Going On


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  • Hi Bevelyn Edmee i followed you for a few years on You Tube talking about you often to my viewers.... Till my channel of 12 years and over 1200 videos was taken down. Maybe check out my last few videos here on Rumble where i talk about Canada and the evil that we can now see, i actually made a video back in August 2021 where i prophesised what Trudeau would do and here we are lol Americans do not know why Putin moved in and took Crimea/Odessa There was a march by Russian speaking Ukrainians protesting they were being discriminated against with the new Ukraine regime - They were attacked by Ukrainians who chased them into a large building and then set fire to it. they would not let them out So Russian Speaking Ukrainians were burnt alive back in 2014 i actually watch a live video just an hour after it happened a guy threw himself off a ledge rather than burn alive and Ukrainians raced over beating him with bars while he was still smouldering Ukrainians got in the building and raped a a Russian speaking woman shot her in the head and left her to burn i saw the pictures the day after when someone went into the building to film what was left the day after the original video i always went to for 'Years' has gone but i found these.... Ukrainians killing Russian Speaking Ukrainians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHHlx0AlLNI&list=PL8mrfwWiwHGGFm5oz053WtZO09oNB4rfw&index=10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsZeOJKPAAw&list=PL8mrfwWiwHGGFm5oz053WtZO09oNB4rfw&index=9

  • No protests will be successful. Only massive repentance and prayer rallies will be successful. (Perhaps a nationwide organized continuous prayer/protest) However, America's patriots do not want to do it. There is simply NO OTHER WAY to fight a spiritual war. We need to pray in large numbers before that too becomes against the law.

  • good stuff. Keep looking up.

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