St Peter's Church Evercreech

2 years ago

The Church of St Peter in Evercreech, Somerset, England, dates from the 14th century.

The three-stage tower has set-back buttresses ascending to pinnacles, with a very tall transomed two-light bell-chamber with windows on each face The embattled parapet has quatrefoil piercing, with big corner pinnacles and smaller intermediate pinnacles. The four-light west window has extensively restored tracery. This tower is of the East Mendip type and was completed around 1462. It is 94 feet (29 metres) high to the top of the pinnacles.

On the north wall of the tower is a roll of honour to victims of World War I. It is within a rectangular wooden case with a glazed door crowned by a triangular pediment and plaque below.

The clock face features an unusual mistake as it is missing the X (10) replaced by an X1 and two XII (12).

Background courtesy of Wikipedia.,_Evercreech

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