230. Conversations: Obedience Above Sacrifice

3 years ago

Join us as we take a look at obedience is better than sacrifice. Too many identifying as Christians have an excuse not to obey Yahuah’s Word. Are they valid, is there a problem? Isn’t it enough to just love God and others? I’m not under bondage, I’m under grace. If you were standing in front of Y’shau at the judgement seat, how could you say "no thanks?" We obey not to be saved, but because we are saved.

Matthew 7:13-4
Matthew 15:24
B’ray-sheeth’ (Genesis) 48:19
Miykah 2:12-13
Ovadyahu (Obadiah) 1:19
John 1:1
Shemu’el Ri shone (1 Sam) 15:22
Husah (Hosea) 6:6
Husah 4:6
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 29:13
John 8:33
Romans 2:13
James 1:22
James 1:25
Revelation 12:17
John 14:15
Shemoth (Exodus) 31:12-17

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