How to Paint Reflections - EASY TECHNIQUE for Beginner Artists

3 years ago

HOW TO PAINT REFLECTIONS in Soft Pastel: Easy Technique for Beginners

Painting water and believable reflections can be a bit of a mystery for beginner artists, so I have created this lesson that will simplify the technique.

Here are some simple tips which will complement the video lesson:
Dark elements on dry land will be lighter in the water.
Light elements on dry land will be darker in the water.
Colors become less saturated in water reflections.
Less details in reflections that elements on land.
Avoid all hard edges in water reflections.
Sky reflections are typically darker than the sky it is mirroring.

Basic Steps:
1. Paint the reflection to mirror what is above the water, but pay attention to size. Often reflections can be a bit longer than the element on the land.
2. Use initial strokes to paint the reflection in a vertical (pulling down) type of direction. This can be accentuated in a pastel painting by using a blending tool (as in my case with pipe foam insulation) to pull down the shapes and subdue them a bit.
3. Develop other colors and values that are in the sky keeping in mind that dark elements will be a hint lighter in value and light elements (such as a bright sky) will be a hint darker in value.
4. When land and sky elements have been added (in more of a vertical direction), gently drag a lighter value pastel across the reflections in horizontal strokes. Pay attention not to overdo this but add in areas that will complement the composition.

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