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Loved Well - Love Well

3 years ago

God loves us. Love! It is such a sweet thing. God is love and love is God. I have actually experienced this about God, how incredibly well He loves. We were created in God’s Image and we have His loving character. The truest sense of the word “love”, this is what God is. God loves us lavishly, He loves us well, so incredibly well! This is how we should be. We should love others well. We were created with hearts of love, in God’s image and character of loving, caring and sharing. Why do we look for love in all the wrong places? A human being can’t meet all of our needs to be loved. Human beings let other human beings down. We get hurt when our expectations are dashed by others. What happens when we get hurt by human love? What happens when people we are in relationship let us down and we feel hurt by love? Sometimes it tends to make us withhold ourselves from others, isolate ourselves from friendship and keep our heart from sharing love with others. God showed us a selfless love through Jesus Christ, and we saw the King of heaven come to us and be so interested in our lives, loving us sacrificially. When we look for love in Jesus Christ, we will find an enduring, perfect, trustworthy and faithful love and when we find this love, we will radiate it. In Christ Jesus, we will be loved well and we will love others well. God’s love, it is a perfect love. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/a-perfect-love/