Debbie's Favorite Thing About Her Online Business Is The Money, Lifestyle, And The Online Community

2 years ago

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Debbie and we're gonna talk about her online business. So Debbie, when did you start your online business, and what were you doing, when you got into this?

I started in May of 2019, so just over a year ago, and well at the time, I was working a contract position for a not-for-profit, which I actually still I'm doing, just because I really like helping people, so I feel like I can't just suddenly leave my contracts. I don't mind doing it, just because it's a small commitment. But, prior to that I worked full time in post-secondary education, so I actually taught classes to adult students, helping them with stress and anxiety, and communication skills, and all those things, that are useful to help them in the workplace when they get out in the real world.

And what would you say is your favorite thing about this online business?

You know, I at first I thought it was going to be the money of course, because we all want to start a side gig, for really earning more money. First, you know for the lifestyles that we want, but it's evolved quickly into the community. So the community is number one my favorite thing about working online. All the people that I get to meet and spend time with and support because I remember being back in university, like years ago, and I had an instructor who asked me, you know what I want to do, and I said I wanted to help people follow their bliss. And she thought that was the weirdest thing to say because it's not a concrete thing to do, and how am I going to do that, and I feel like I am doing that now. I get to help people all the time in this community, really follow their bit of bliss, and find their own version of success.

Oh I get it, and I would just say your life has changed in the past, you're in a bit that you've been doing this?

Well again, because of money, I can I can do more, or I can travel with my family, but I also feel much more security in my future. I think that, you know having various degrees, and diplomas, and things. The job market is never secured. No matter what I was doing, I would want to do more. And I'd have to go back to school again, or you know try and find a different career path, that would be secure, but nothing is secure. And so for me, the thing that has changed the most, is feeling confident and secure about my future, and knowing that for my family, that we can have the lifestyle that we've wanted, and there's no limitation.

I get it and even the people, who thought they were secure, you know couple months ago, when the pandemic started, it changed everything.

Yeah 100%. There's just no guarantees, and I think that we have to create our own.

Great well thanks for sharing a few minutes of your time with me today.

No problem thanks for having me on.
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