"Adria's Shack and Cauldron" from Diablo (1996) for use in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

3 years ago

Finished off both Adria's Shack and Cauldron, updated Normal Maps and Ambient Occlusion Maps, Re-Baked within Substance Painter, and Improved the textures, layers, and other masking, painting, and generators for a more realistic look and feel. As you can see, I display the Diffuse (PBR), the Ambient Occlusion, and Normal Maps so you can see how much better the re-bakes have made the Low Poly models overall. I've even included proper WalkMeshes/Collision boxes (Not shown in this video) for use in the game so the player does not walk through the model, and will be stopped in the exact places there are walls or doors, but the doorway itself that is open the player can walk through.

Once I have made sure this works in game properly, and all PBR textures show up the way they should, I will make a quick Hak Pak for download for everyone to test out. It will include everything that is needed, but will only be useable for CEP 2.65 at the moment. I may make a updated version for CEP 3.1 in the future. I would make a version for Project Q, but I believe development has ended due to too many changes from Beamdog with the updates for NWN:EE. If that project ever resurfaces I will make a version for use with that as well. By then the entire Tristram placeable set should be finished.

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