Away From Home In Camps As A Journeyman Electrician, Teresa Gained Time Freedom With Online Business

2 years ago

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Teresa today to talk a bit about her online business. Teresa when did you start your online business?

I started March of last year. So just been over a year now.

Oh wow, and so over a year, and what would you say is your favorite thing about this business?

My favorite thing is the community, I've met so many amazing people. I've been to some meetups, I've met you guys in Calgary. I met Chris and Karen, in Rocky Mountain House, and I've been to a lot. And I've got, it's amazing like I've got more friends now in the last year, than I have in the last 10 years living in Edmonton.

It's pretty amazing, you meet a lot of people doing this, from all over too.

From everywhere, and totally supportive too.

So how would you say your life has changed in the last year, since you got into this?

Well I've learned a lot, like I've really grown I think personally. I was a lot more, according to my daughters, I was very negative. So I, and I know I was because, you know I'm a journeyman electrician, I worked a lot of hours all the time. I was always away from home, and staying in camps, and all that. And I love the fact that I'm on my own time. And you know, I can get on a zoom like this, and talk to you or anybody, within the community, and ask questions. We have meetings all the time too. Masterminds, to talk about stuff. I like that support, it's really helped me. And like I said, I've learned a lot, like when I started this, I barely even used facebook. So you can imagine how much I've learned, to get to this point in my business.

Yeah it's pretty amazing and it's never ending, there's always so much, you know there's always new things coming out and it's,

Yeah it's changing all the time, so it does keep you on to on your toes. And when you get older, it's harder to learn, but it's better for you if you're learning, it's better for your mind, and your memory, and all that, keeps your mind active.

It does for sure. Great well thank you for spending a few minutes of your time with me today, I really appreciate it.

I really appreciate talking to you, thank you
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