English police called on black Londoner victim of crooked white English solicitor

2 years ago

This video was removed by Youtube on behalf of the evil, crooked English solicitor who I was talking about, even though he does not even appear in the video! Youtube supported a solicitor who has committed FRAUD and PERJURY in order to exclude me as an executor of my late mother's will! England and English solicitors are extremely corrupt!

As a black Londoner born in London I have had the English police called on me many times by white English people for no good reason even though I am not a criminal and have no criminal record. In this case I was the long suffering victim of the evil probate solicitor/owner of Cumbrian law firm Gedye & Sons who also have desk space in the City of London, where he abused me.

I was invited to a meeting room in the above building 15 Old Bailey, City of London, by a Cumbrian solicitor from the Cumbrian law firm Gedye & Sons, where I was ambushed, abused, threatened, lied to, manipulated and defrauded out of the executorship of my mother’s will using a fraudulent method used by crooked English wills and probate solicitors, known as “power reserved”. He also COERCED me into signing a dishonest, fraudulent statement quickly typed up by him that was extremely manipulative and detrimental to me. I came to him for help and advice and he took advantage of my lack of knowledge, which is supposed to be against Solicitors Regulation Authority rules. The last 8 years of my life have been hell because of what he did to me, which started in this building. When I later visited the City of London Police, they told me what he did to me was FRAUD!

I later re-visited the building and told the deputy manager of the building which was managed by London Executive Offices, later name changed to the Argyll Club, what happened then and since. She was kind and listened to me. I showed her some nasty emails and letters I received from the firm and she asked me if she could take photocopies to show to her managers, which I allowed. She told me I would soon hear from her managers but I never heard from any of them. I was later told by her manager Ernesto, when I returned to 15 Old Bailey that he gave my papers to the firm, which he did without my permission and against my wishes. He and his area manager Penny also turned a blind eye to the solicitor’s misconduct, claiming it was “nothing to do with them” and responding to my story with hostility, instantly demanding I leave and threatening me with the police, which she was quick to call.

Next day I phoned Ernesto and asked him to retrieve my papers for me. He cut me off. For over the course of a year, whenever I called him to ask for the return of my papers he would cut me off. So more than a year later I decided to visit him again. He at first welcomed me but as soon as he realised I was the one he had been stonewalling he picked up the phone to call the police. He then even denied he had received my documents from his deputy or passed them on to Gedye & Sons. When the police arrived he even lied to them by saying the same thing. Unfortunately for him I had recorded our first meeting where he admitted passing on the documents ….

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