Nisreen Can Now Concentrate On Her Acting Career Thanks To Working From Home On Her Online Business

2 years ago

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Nisreen, and I'm gonna ask her a couple questions about her online business. Nasreen when did you start your online business, and what did you do before? What do you do now? If you're still working?

Hi Darren, I started my online business in March of 2017, so it's been just over three years. And before I started, I was a server for many years, about 23 years, so mostly restaurants. And ten of those years I was in the hotel industry as well. And also an actor, and that's the one part of my life that I still do now, and that's part of the reason, like those two reasons combined, were the reason why I started this in the first place, was to get out of hospitality for good. Because it was quite doing a number on me physically, and I was just tired of it, and also to have more flexibility for my growing, acting career.

And what would you say is your favorite thing about this online business, and how has your life changed as a result?

It's really hard to pick one favorite thing, because there's so many perks to it obviously, but I would say obviously, you know just having something to call my own, and in every kind of spectrum what that really means. And you know the concept initially going in, like owning my time, I didn't really know what it actually felt like day-to-day, and that has just been the biggest blessing. Like just being you know, in control of you know my schedule, my timing with everything, just the satisfaction of, this is mine, and I get to have that empowerment, in tackling my goals and my achievements, and whatnot. Sorry my cat is chiming in. And I would say all of that, equaling to the the no stress that I have, like being able to lay my head down at night, knowing that you know, financially and timewise, and all that stuff is just, those things are not an issue. You know for me, it means so much to be able to make sure that my agent can count on me to attend every single audition I get, and nothing will ever get in the way of that.
Oh how has my life changed? Just more of that I guess, it's, it's been very empowering. My confidence has definitely gone way way up. Obviously to have that, just that time flexibility and all of that the breathing space, you know, that financially all of that is just more than I ever could have imagined. And I would say also just the people. I didn't imagine that I would be able to just, be in contact with so many people, all over the world. And what they've taught me, including you guys. And also giving back and helping people grow their business as well, so fulfilling.

Thanks Nisreen, and thank you for giving me a couple minutes of your time today.

No problem thank you Darren.
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