This Hockey Family Now Gets To Play Together Because Of Their Online Business

2 years ago

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Brooke today to talk a bit about her online business. So Brooke when did you start your online business, and what did you do before? What do you do now? If you're still working, tell us a bit about that.

For sure. So I joined the business June of 2017, so coming up on three years here. And before I actually joined, I was a bank teller, I had two exchange students that we brought into our home, to help supplement our income. Our boys were two and four at the time, so it was really important for me to have us home, and not have them in daycare. But, we kind of had a disconnect. So my husband was working as a truck driver, so he was gone. You know Sunday, he'd load up the truck, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, he'd be gone. The kids won't really see him for those few days, so and Sunday being the only day together, it just didn't make sense. So he was a truck driver, I a bank teller, I also cared for other people's children in my home, so a really, really busy lifestyle for sure. We also had a sunglass business, that we ran from May to October, so we really didn't have a life for ourselves. So that was the main reason why we wanted to do this online business as well. So now because of our online business, we now do this full-time. We don't have jobs to go to. And that's the best part of this, we're both home full-time with our kids. As you can see, we have hockey stuff, memorabilia behind us. We're a hockey family, They're four and six now, and so we still choose to have one exchange student, because we love having that. It's like a big sister for our boys. But, we don't have to do that, so it's been a huge blessing for us.

Well I was gonna ask you next what your favorite thing was about the business, but you might have covered it, unless you want to add to that, and also well you did kind of cover how your life's changed, but if you want to elaborate a bit more on those two things?

For sure, my favorite part is definitely being able to do the things we want to do. Like my husband now has been volunteering for search and rescue. And so that was always kind of something on his bucket list. So we're now achieving those things we want to do. We traveled a ton last year, and we want to do you know more, more staycations in the near future, as you know with everything going on. But being able to see our family a lot more, was really important to us. And just being able to dictate what we do in our lives, and not have to ask for time off, when we want to go somewhere.

And not be so busy I guess, or having all these different things to make money right?

Oh my gosh, it was insane, you have no idea.

And raising a family on top of it all I can't even imagine.

Yes, I love this business, I love the community, I love the aspect that the fact that, you know, being a coach now, has built my confidence within myself, and the fact that I have something for my myself, and something that can provide for our family, was so important.

Awesome well thank you for, you know, sharing a few minutes of your time with me today. I really appreciate it

Thank you as well, have a great day
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