AdrenoCHROME 'Lady' GAGA in your FACE

2 years ago

The substance is in fact a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced. It’s role in occult symbolism is undeniable. Did you know there is a movie in which the chemical compound is harvested from murder victims called Adrenochrome (2017) ....
It baffles me as to why there would be so much regarding this if it wasn’t true? You have to think logically wild scale child abuse and peadophile rings is unheard of, the numbers across the globe of missing children is disturbing
I wouldn’t be so quick to say it’s a baseless conspiracy theory.... why do they go to such effort to mention, mock and make it look silly..... the cabal doesn’t just do things for a laugh, it’s obvious for those with eyes to see

#truthtolight #hollyweird #fakemedia #brainwashedsociety #conspiracyfiles #questioneverything #thematrix #operationmockingbird #woke #wokebreed @wokebreed
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