I Can Hear You

3 years ago

All I can say about this one is that it is dedicated to the one I love who is no longer with me in this world, except in memory.

I hope this can and will resonate with any other who may ave lost someone special o themselves.

Now, when the cold wind blows and I seems like it's going to chill me to the bones, I will think o her, and tough the sadness's prevails, still, the warmth that fills the heart van keep you moving on.

Here we are, in a world that can be old and mean at times, but where there is a spirit o love, then that can help break on through those ark cloudy days. Then the sun shines bright, very bright indeed. Sounds corny I'm sure, but trust me...it can be so.

State o mind...and remembering Loveland knowing that love is the answer to many things that would disturb peace of mind.

God bless...

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