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Military Architecture

3 years ago

In this podcast, Abhijit Iyer continues to examine Architecture in India and abroad. This session focuses on military architecture in particular and how India fares in comparison to the rest of the world.

Follow Abhijit:
Twitter: @Iyervval
Link to the 1st podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdyj4NwpJJw&t=1s
Link to the 2nd podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUDhZnE6CrU

#Military #Architecture
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Time Stamp

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:10 AIM's love for military history
00:01:51 Why forts are designed that way and obsolescence
00:03:47 First Fort
00:08:35 Second Fort
00:10:50 Third Fort
00:12:10 Important Features of Forts and Warfare
00:20:00 Super fortress and warfare
00:23:04 Gunpowder and Cannons
00:36:31 The third Battle of Panipat - mobility over size
00:38:36 cannons ended fortification
00:44:25 Why is it called the Renaissance and City Fortification
00:49:06 Indian Forts and obsolescence
00:56:40 Why Forts are built on Flat Lands
01:05:00 India's Militarily useless fort
01:09:30 Reasons for obsolescence
01:14:30 More gunpowder less blood, lateral and Intersectional things
01:20:40 Wealth Concentration in India and other social factors
01:25:30 QnA


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