US Supreme Court VIOLATED US LAW With Declaration of Separation of Church and State

2 years ago

US Supreme Court VIOLATED US LAW With Declaration of Separation of Church and State

Religion-Morality Codified In US Law FULL Explanation Organic Law North West Ordinance

No one ever talks about this. Not taught In Schools or Universities. Few People Know This. Please Share, inform, educate

U.S. Supreme Court VIOLATED U.S. Law When They Took God, Bible, Prayer & 10 Commandments Out of Schools

Religion-Morality Codified In U.S. Law In Volume 1 Of U.S. CODE of Law
Here in lies the proof
Declaration of Independence
North West Ordinance 1787 which states religion, morality and Knowledge...shall forever be part of education
articles of confederation
All foundational Organic Law in U.S. CODE of Law Vol 1 and reaffirmed in Vol 18 after the 14th amendment

North West Ordinance 1787 We the People #333

U.S. Code (2007) defines the organic laws of the United States of America to include the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777, the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787, and the Constitution of September 17, 1787.,and%20the%20Constitution%20of%20September%2017%2C%201787.%20

When the US Supreme Court Took God, Prayer and Bible out of our public Schools They violated US Law in Doing So. Here in lies the proof
We The People Spread Christianity

Supreme Court Violated US Code of Law By Removing God, Prayer, Bibler, Commandments out of Schools and Public Square
Religion-Morality Codified In US Law FULL Explanation Organic Law North West Ordinance
Separation of Church and State as defined by the US Supreme Court
Cannot Possibly Be True Based on US Law Prior To the 1960's Removal of God From Schools.

1. Constitution, Declaration of Independence (Where Rights Come From God), and the North West Ordinance( religion, morality and Knowledge were to forever be part of education Per NWO) Were all declared to by Organic Law/foundation law in US Cod of Law Volume I

2. There are still a number of State Constitutions that state as in the North West Ordinance that "religion, morality and Knowledge were to forever be part of education." ie Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Arkansas all quote North West Ordinance in their respective constitutions.

3. George Washington in Farewell address basically stated that religion and morality were necessary or essential for good government.

4. Even though Justice Douglas concurred in Engel v. Vitale, which removed Christianity from public schools in the early 1960's, he was honest enough to admit that (see paragraph below: Justice Douglas admits they are establishing new law or interpretation of Law)

Justice Douglas stated: Religion was once deemed to be a function of the public school system. The Northwest Ordinance, which antedated the First Amendment, provided in Article III that "Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

5. Justice Stewart Potter Abington School District v. Schempp, Which removed school sponsored Bible reading stated:
"taking prayer and Bible out of our schools does not make our schools neutral in religion but instead establishes the religion of secularism in our Schools".

6. The 1st amendment is written for Congress it was not written for the States which is why we had religion in morality in govt schools for close to 200 years: "Congress shall no law establishing a religion nor interfere the practice there of.

7. Justice Clarence Thomas: The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” On its face, this provision places no limit on the States with regard to religion. The Establishment Clause originally protected States, and by extension their citizens, from the imposition of an established religion by the Federal Government

8. Justice Clarence Thomas : Establishment Clasuse: As an initial matter, the Clause probably prohibits Congress from establishing a national religion. Construing the Establishment Clause as a federalism provision accords with the variety of church-state arrangements that existed at the Founding. At least six States had established churches in 1789. Free Exercise Clause, which “plainly protects individuals against congressional interference with the right to exercise their religion,”

9. . Separation of Church and State is an absolute impossibility. Someones world view, philosophical World View will rule the government, the schools, media, our laws. It is only a question of whose inherently religious World View will Rule and Why. Secular Humanism, Communism, Athiesm, are all world views and are inherently religious in nature because it is the driving force behind actions, thoughts, beliefs and Laws . Religion can be defined as the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: The Supreme Court ruled in In 1961 TorCaso v. Watkins that "SECULAR HUMANISM" was a "religion." They Ruled that there a number of religions that profess no belief in God Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, SECULAR HUMANISM and others.

a. The Supreme Courts removal of God has established Humanism as the religion of our govt Schools, govt laws and policies all based on Secular Humanism/
b. Courts took God out of our Schools, Govt and gave us abortion, fornication, adultery and gay marriage.

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