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RCMP Issues Ultimatum to Truckers

3 years ago

The RCMP has issued an ultimatum to some of the truckers partaking in the convoy.


  • 0/2000
  • No mandates. Down with Corrupt governments and their police pets. Long live Canada! United States is with you!

  • of course they are giving ultimatums

  • unfuckingbelievable

  • The fake media here in America are telling lies how bad this protest is going. We know they are lying, we have truth tellers here showing us the real freedom loving people. We pray 🙏 hold that line. I heard how that officer said you do not want to comply, that’s bull! They are not giving choices they are giving ultimatum as always. These truckers want top leaders that have this leftest narrative to come speak with you. Which is Fidel Castro son Justin Trudeau to explain the truth.

  • Typical...we are not here to talk...we are here to issue ultimatums! This is going to go south real quick! The government is already threatening to harass and arrest the Freedom Convoy members, the organizers, anyone who donated to the cause and to anyone who visited the peaceful protest since it started. They do not have enough manpower or equipment. The police have had the support of the people but if they cross this line your toast. Foxtrot Juliet Tango Foxtrot Juliet Bravo

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