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Spot Micro Part 3

3 years ago

Robot Dog, Part 3.
In the first two videos we started to build a robot dog based on the Boston Dynamics Spot, only smaller.
Now that we have all four legs done, lets start on the body.
Links to the list of screws, parts and files as well as the creators of those files below.

In this video we assemble the central chassis with the major electronic components mounted

## Chassis. ##

1 X Raspberry Pi (In this video I used a Raspberry Pi 3, but a Raspberry Pi 4 would be better)
1 X PCA9685 (I2C 16 channel servo driver)
1 X MPU6050 (Inertial Measurement Unit)
1 X Arduino Nano (Micro Controller)
2 X 2S 2200mAh Lipo (Power for the robot.)

SpotMicro using Raspberry Pi by leodemacondo
battery_holder_X2.stl x 2

Arduino nano mounting base by emccarron

Spotmicro - robot dog by KDY0523
R_side_plate.stl x 2 (There is a left side version, but it has the hole for the Arduino I'm not using)
I_shoulder_mg.stl x 2

9 X M2.5 6mm long (Used to mount the Raspberry Pi, PCA9685 and MPU6050)
20 X M3 10mm long
8 X M5 12mm long (These hold the top, bottom, front and rear covers on)
20 X M3 Square Nuts
8 X M5 Hex Nuts

## Stand. ##

Spot Micro Clone by cguweb
SM2StandLeg.stl X 2

See you in the next video :-).


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