2 years ago

o many aspects of this global agenda is about supplanting the real with the fake, the organic with the inorganic, the carbon with the silicon and the biological with the artificial. In the synthetic agenda, everything in our world is being threatened with replacement by an inferior version or fake replica of itself – which sells itself as superior so as to increase the acceptance and assimilation of it, they are creating a totally inverted reality by flipping everything on its head and selling it to you under the false pretence of being sustainable.
Almost everything around us is a facade, fake or fraudulent. For instance, we have injectables, petrochemical drugs and radiation masquerading as “medicine”, corporations in the hands of a few masquerading as “government”, mainstream science masquerading as “knowledge”, GMOs masquerading as “food” and fiat paper masquerading as “money”
The synthetic agenda is not just about making fake versions of everything. It’s coming for you too. Transhumanism is all about turning the wonderful, natural, biological technology of living organisms into synthetic substitutes, again sold under the pretext of enhancement when it is really about enslavement.
When you allow the State and the globalist corporations that much control over your body, you are signing up for imprisonment, because it will be far easier for outside sources to place you in a frequency prison where they can easily manipulate your energy field, emotions and thoughts through mechanical bodily implants and devices.

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