"God's Unseen Presence" Esther 4:9-17

2 years ago

We live in a world that has seemingly gone mad, and growing more and more hostile to the Gospel, but this is not unique to our times. The world, in sinful rebellion, has always been mad, and hostile to God’s Word and work. In 1 Peter 4:12 Peter warns Christ-followers, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” God’s people—whether Old Testament Israel or New Testament Christians—have always lived in a mad, hostile world.
As we look at some truths from Esther, we will see some parallels to our present world. (Pagan beliefs, hostility, unreliable human authorities, etc.)
Esther is unique in Scripture in that God’s name is never mentioned. Throughout the narrative, God’s hand is present and working, but it is unseen. Faith is required, but as the story unfolds, the reader sees that faith is earned and deserved.
Our passage comes from about the mid-point of the story, and at “the moment of truth” in Esther’s life. Things have gone well for her in the king’s court, but now she is at a crossroads. Should she act on faith or hide in cowardice? Does her trust in God supersede her fear of the unseen?
Each of us will experience this moment. Certainly, the details of the situation will be different, but the core principle will be exactly that same—Do I trust the God I cannot see? As we unpack our passage, we will see 5 truths from the Life of Esther.

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