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Canadian Trucker Thingy

3 years ago

Is the Canadian Trucker thingy a psy op?


  • 0/2000
  • God bless you Sir

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  • OTHER TRUCKERS Truckers go home.. I mean those not at the border.. Just park your trucks.. You are not safe.. Tell the boss you are sick.. You are feeling stress of covid .. Call the doctor and tell them you got a politician stuck up your backside. and you need a note. Then go clean the garage... and when its safe.. ask for 20 cents per Mile before you all go back to work. -- Justin will no longer be PM.. its that simple.. Shut the country down.. Your freedom and mine is worth it. He locked you out of the border.. UPS,, Walmart, Oil and gas,, Target, wood, just park it.. Go on stress leave. The Threat of losing your trucking license by politicians will do that. Imagine the stress on all of these truckers at the front line.. Help hold the line.. Park it. -- Justin T literally blocked truckers from crossing the border.. HE literally started this. You do need to clean the garage.. for Freedom..

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