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January 27, 2022
hey guys what's up welcome back to the
channel so in today's video I'm going to
be discussing 10 different ways that you
can train yourself to become more self
disciplined so this is gonna be a super
informative video I put a lot of thought
into this self-discipline is what's
going to help you have longevity in
whatever you're doing
it's all mental and it's all perspective
this can relate to virtually anything in
this case I'm primarily going to be
talking about health and fitness so if
you're new to the whole health fitness
type of field 2020 you're starting your
new journey I hope this video can help
you out because self-discipline is
what's gonna keep you going
long term baby ok not short term we're
talking making lifestyle changes mental
shift changes to get that train going
you want it to last you a long time if
you're not already definitely hit that
subscribe button for new videos every
single week ok let's do this these are
10 I've come up with in no particular
order so number one we're talking about
changing your perspective
I can't versus I don't so an example
would be say you're at a friend's house
and they offer you cake or pastries or
something like that instead of just
saying I can't eat that
try saying oh I don't eat that but thank
you when you word things differently
you're actually telling yourself and
giving yourself credit for believing in
not eating that particular food items
when saying things like I can't eat that
it's actually telling yourself I can't
I'm punishing myself I'm not allowed to
that's not true here ok you're making
the conscious decision to better your
life so I don't eat that
by saying I don't you're owning that
decision okay you're confident in that
decision and you know yourself you know
what you're doing be confident in this
this is your journey in your life so you
don't eat these things not I can't
because it's ain't a punishment girl no
number two is to remove anything and
everything that does not align with your
goals this could be relating to a lot of
things I'm going to give you an example
of food okay
eliminating sweets out of the house for
example James and I we don't buy
anything that doesn't fit our health
goals by not bringing things into your
life that would negatively impact your
goals it just sets you up for more of a
success and gets you used to not being
around that and not eating things like
that now this could go for anything like
I said alcohol cigarettes you name it
it's just about not having those things
around you to negatively influence your
life so understand what your goals are
and don't allow anything to interfere
with that don't even allow into your
house girl so number three is focusing
on building the new not on trying to fix
the old okay this is important because a
lot of people are so used to how their
lifestyle was or currently is when
trying to make that transition they
dwell too much on the past but what a
lot of people don't understand is that
your past really has no influence
whatsoever on your future you're
starting on a new slate you need to have
that perspective of it being that new
fresh slate okay do not compare to your
past don't compare to things you used to
do give yourself the chance to start
over any mistakes you may have made
anything that you're kind of
disappointed in yourself and forgive
yourself and move on you need that
closure it's healthy if you resent
yourself for anything that you've done
in the past it's only anchoring your
future okay it's only keeping you in the
past and that's what you want to do is
move past the past
just look towards the future you're
building yourself new fresh keep that
perspective and you will be just fine
okay so number four is to shift from
motivation to have it two totally
different things okay
motivation is a very temporary fix it's
a wonderful thing it can get your bum
right up and going but it does not last
forever so the purpose of this video is
to try to train yourself to have more
long-term mindset and to get yourself
where you want permanently okay it's all
about a lifestyle change so for example
you watch a gym video of somebody
working out if you start to get that
energy from them you get that motivation
you go I want to look like this person
or I want that I have similar goals in
mind I'm gonna go work out and we'll do
that today that's wonderful but that's
not enough to keep you permanently going
addicts you need something more than
just like a visual stimulant okay it's
all up in here girl
but when trying to make that transition
from motivation to habits the trick is
to focus only on you your own goals your
body your mind your life it's great to
have that external motivation but what's
gonna keep it a habit a lifestyle change
permanent is inside of you it has
nothing to do with external of anything
so with that being said it does take
about 21 days for a practice to become a
habit so obviously practice this is not
something that's gonna happen overnight
and all the Sun you're gonna be you know
fine and dandy and have this habit
that's just wonderful and life-changing
it takes some serious practice and time
to get to that point so nevertheless it
will always be worth it you just gotta
invest in yourself number five it's
probably my favorite one okay I'm gonna
be real with you girl this is something
I swear by I'm very very strict about I
guess you can say it's switching your
mindset from an emotional to a very
so for example somebody puts a piece of
chocolate cake in front of you your
first reaction will be emotional it will
be oh my god that looks good
oh my god I'm salivating I'm picturing
how good that was taste
that's all emotional you're just going
based off of your initial emotion what's
gonna get you past that binge that whole
giving in to those kinds of things is
gonna be your logical taking over that's
what you've got to train your brain to
do is think logically
which means looking at that piece of
cake and saying okay well it does look
good but how will it make me feel what
will it do to my body
what negative effects we'll have and how
will it deter me from completing my
goals and getting to where I want to get
so it's very healthy to differentiate
the two emotional and logical and to
understand when that logic needs to take
over that is self-discipline in a
nutshell when thinking logically for
example the cake you're going to be
understanding that you're eating for
function and not taste you got to be
really upfront and honest with yourself
in these scenarios okay recognize that
emotional and recognize that you need to
switch right over to that logic because
the logic is what's going to get you
where you need to go and life relying on
that emotion you're just gonna be mmm no
so guys this leads me to point number
six by saying no to that piece of cake
it is not deprivation so do not get it
twisted do not think you're depriving
yourself if you think that in your head
that you are depriving yourself you are
going to end up giving in almost every
single time because there will not be
any end in sight so you're not depriving
yourself believe me
the deprivation it's only when you're
not eating at all that's starving
yourself that's depriving your body so
if anything you're actually depriving
yourself by eating the cake because
you're depriving yourself from nutrients
that you could be getting in better
foods so number seven is to challenge
yourself throughout the week
intensely so adding an intense
challenges whether it be nutritional or
exercise so for example eating super
clean a couple days out of the week like
super strictly or exercising intensely
those few days this is what's going to
help mix up your routine enough to keep
it from becoming monotonous and boring
whether we like to admit it or not
humans are designed for challenge we
actually thrive on challenge keeping
that incorporated into your routine will
not only help you continue going in that
direction and it's going to make your
everyday routine seem a lot easier okay
when starting any routine you might
think it's intense especially if you're
not used to it but adding in these super
intense days these high high intensity
days will make the rest of your week
your normal healthy maintenance not seem
like such a burden in other words you
will kind of adapt to it a lot better
what used to be a heavy duty challenge
to you will become your new norm okay
it's gonna gradually go like a chart
like you're eventually going to get to
that level where something that used to
be so difficult is now your norm
okay so tip number eight is to not call
it a diet no such thing I mean there is
but it's just like quick fixes that
never last so instead of calling it a
diet or just simply call it your
nutritional standards that's what I
refer to it as a diet is something that
has an end line okay that eventually
will come to an end you don't want that
you want this to be an ongoing permanent
lifestyle change I know that people over
use that term diet and it's almost like
the norm
it's just what we as a culture have
evolved into just constantly saying but
don't be afraid to just stand outside of
that outside of the average of the norm
it's ok you should be proud of being
able to say this
you diet when there's a fence coming up
okay you diet for a wedding or a
you know just temporary little fixes but
what happens when those days are over
nutritional standards are a guideline a
permanent guideline that you must meet
every single day in your life
that's what makes it a standard okay
keeping that standard in mind as
something that defines you in your
lifestyle is what's gonna keep you
believing in it and it's what's gonna
keep you from falling off okay this is
this is all about permanent okay number
nine is to think long term versus short
term so do not get it twisted you should
be thinking both okay you should have
short term goals
absolutely because that's what's going
to help you right here right now
every day to slowly get to those long
term goals long term meaning things like
how you see yourself as you age
alright thinking long term in that sense
not thinking about how long it's gonna
take you to drop X amount of weight get
that out of your head don't think like
alright that's gonna discourage you
think long term as in five ten years
from now I will potentially be seeing
doctors less I will be feeling ten times
better things like that yeah that's a
long-term investing idea but having
long-term just by itself isn't good
either because like I said before it can
get very discouraging you have to have
your short-term goals view long-term as
like a ladder and short-term being as
the rungs in the ladder you can't have
one without the other so for me
long-term would be things like not
having to go see a doctor when I'm
middle to late age okay avoiding doctors
that's my long-term goal but short-term
goal for me would be like eating clean
going to the gym and exercising every
single day these are short-term goals
that inevitably turn into long-term so
god I have both okay last but not least
number ten is just so freakin
straightforward right here right now but
this is how I wrap it up giving yourself
time patience is a virtue we all know
that you got to give yourself the
much-needed respectful time things take
time great things especially so
investing in yourself isn't a
one-and-done it is a long-term time
invested thing so once you learn pretty
much how to change and shift your
mindset change your perspective on
health fitness wellness that is the
beginning of changing your entire life
and the only thing that's gonna allow
you to do that is ties those were my 10
tips on how to become self disciplined
you want to chase that healthy lifestyle
it needs to be the stamp on the envelope
you need to put that stamp you need to
get self disciplined there's just no
other way around it understand that it
is not easy to become self disciplined
okay but if there's a will there's a way
remember that the body will not go where
the mind does not allow it to go
perspective and mental shifts are
necessary I know guys this was a pretty
friggin serious video and I got real
intense at some times but it's because
I'm very very very passionate about this
topic it isn't until you make these
mental shifts where it's going to become
an ingrained thing a daily everyday
thing so if you are up for that
challenge then maybe these tips can help
you I hope that this video did really
help you guys so comment down below if
you liked any of these key points I
appreciate you guys watching and again
if you have not already subscribed
definitely do new videos every single
I'll see you my next video
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