ag explains the gender situation

2 years ago

i started my fasting today (and i got the day wrong, haha)
i am to obstain from animal products
wed and fri, which makes sense
i don't really check my calendar, not that type a person
found this glenn miller orchestra cd at the goodwill
fasting from the internet is key to a more spiritual life
if you run a small biz i am obviously not talking to you
i am a very harsh critic of this world
you should be critical of the world if it's this bad
my vagina is weird for everybody
what other gender
back in the old days, there were only two genders
vagina, no penis OR penis, no vagina
boobies, no adam's apple OR adam's apple, no boobies
drag queens used to work for one hour only at a gay club
offensive all across the board
i'm not gonna be mean to gay people
trying to change shit thru art
art is the only thing that will do anything to change the culture
not much you can do for people that can't use the internet right

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