Mama's lasagna

2 years ago

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Lasagna is a favorite dish in my family, usually made on special occasions such as birthdays. To make mama's lasagna you need the following ingredients:(for each pan of lasagna)

1. 1lb of grn beef
2. 1pk of polska kielbasa(any brand)
3. 1 big jar of sauce(45 oz) or 2 sm jars of sauce(24oz)
4. 1 box of lasagna noodles
5. 1 32oz ricotta cheese or 2 16oz containers
6. 2 large eggs
7. shredded mozzarella cheese(about 2 1/2 c)
8. Italian style cheese(optional)(we like it bc it has 4 cheeses for added flavor)
9. garlic salt(about 1 tsp)
10. Italian seasoning(about 1 tsp)
11. lasagna pan

You can find a basic lasagna recipe on the box. You can follow those directions and add the kielbasa to the browned grn beef. I will also include the directions here:

Boil lasagna noodles according to directions on box. Make sure when draining the cooked noodles to rinse with cold water. This stops the cooking process and helps keep the noodles from sticking together. You can also add 1tbs of cooking oil to the water. While noodles are boiling, brown the ground beef and crumble. Dice the kielbasa and add to the browned grn beef. Brown the kielbasa a little to enhance the flavor. When kielbasa has browned, add the jar(s) of sauce to the meats. Let simmer about 20mins to meld flavors. While the meat sauce is cooking, add the ricotta cheese, 2 eggs and about 1/2c. of mozzarella cheese in a medium bowl. Add the garlic salt and Italian seasoning to the egg/cheese mixture. Mix well. Add a little of the meat sauce to bottom of lasagna pan. (you can also just add a little sauce instead, this is basically to keep the noodles from sticking to pan). Now its time to layer. Add a layer of cooked noodles(3) on top of sauce. Make sure noodles touch. Add a layer of meat sauce, covering noodles. Add a layer of noodles. Add a layer of cheese mixture, covering noodles. Repeat layers of noodles, meat, and cheese mixture at least 2x more ending with a layer of meat sauce on top. Add about 2c shredded mozzarella cheese(and Italian cheese if desired) to top of meat sauce. Bake at 350 for 30 mins uncovered. Let cool about 15 mins before serving. Enjoy!

Note: I know I do not prepare the lasagna in the traditional way of meat sauce and cheese mixture being in the same layer, but we do not like it made in this way. I also do not recommend using no boil lasagna noodles either. I have tried many times, even with adding extra sauce , but the no boil lasagna noodles are always harder than the boiled noodles. We prefer the recipe the way I shared it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do and becomes a family favorite too.

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