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Last Day of the Church Year

3 years ago

In the Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins, Christ warns us against falling asleep amidst the long night of waiting for His return. Oil is given to keep our lamps and faith brightly burning until the cry is heard that the bridegroom has arrived. Through the preparation of hearing Christ’s Word and receiving His Sacraments, we are made ready by God for the day that we will go out to meet our Savior and enter into the eternal feast of great rejoicing. Slumber and drowsiness are the temptations we face in this life that would tempt us to forget in this life what we need and what matters and how difficult the wait can be. On the Last Sunday of the Church Year we renew the wait by repenting of our sin and clinging to the only means by which we are saved, Christ our Lord and the gifts that He gives.


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