internet: research vehicle vs. narcissism reel

3 years ago

this is a soap opera
gravitron, so much fun having a headache
america is constant motion sickness
everything they give us fucks with our equilibrium
we fuck ourselves up willingly
at least with drugs & alcohol alteration is well established
you should get arrested if you're on your phone too much
they ain't doin sumin creative like yours truly
more paranoid since i quit doin drugs
maybe i should just start doin drugs again
you should be black or white about things that are bad
too many excuses, iron fist baby
we are way too accepting of bad behavior
we tried equal rights, FAIL!
"comedy" hahahahaha
well maybe quarantine will be comin back
my parents ain't conservative, they're just from the 50s
unprecedented brain-washing
easier for my parents to assume that i am just crazy
why do you have this information that "professionals" don't
ma ma ma ma ma
i don't wanna be right damnit
cocky about ignorance
they laugh at you for caring about the world, doin additional research
i am aware of my bias, everybody has one
kaleidoscope lawyer, robert frost liberal
better yourself vs. waste your life
enough negativity for now, c-ya

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