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Branch Covidians

3 years ago

Branch Covidians

Have we now all joined a Kool-Aid drinking cult of COVID-cyanide fear porn?

Australians have. Can Americans avoid this same behavior?


1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • This is just the BEGINNING, I agree that the next one is going to be an ebola/hemorrhagic fever/aids type of virus... People act like this is something new, but it's NOT... Our government decided to put people into internment camps in 1942 (you only had to be 1/16 Japanese to be "detained"), and everyone just sat by and watched it happen. On top of that, but every vaccine that has been created, the flu shot in the 1930's, the polio shot in the 1950's, the MMR in the 1970's, ALL OF THESE were met with resistance, yet the government was able to eventually push them through and MAKE THEM MANDATORY. The only difference now is that this vaccine is being pushed a little faster, and little harder, but people are still falling for it. Bottom line is that this is NOTHING NEW... People who don't know history are bound to repeat it...

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