WND Exclusive - Term Limit Everyone

2 years ago

by: Brent Smith

I’ve been a proponent of, or advocate for federal term limits of all 535 members of Congress since I began to learn about politics. Some politicians have been in office as long or longer than a lot of us have been alive. And that’s far too long.

The problem with term limits is that, other than an Article V, Convention of States, we will never get enough politicians to vote themselves out of a job.

As it stands right now, there is only one way to get rid of them and that’s obviously to vote them out. But as we know, for the most part, the deck is stacked in the incumbents favor. They are the ones with name recognition and many have the full support and backing of their party.
With few exceptions, the outside challenger stands little chance. It does happen, but far too infrequently.

However, our elected officials are only part of the problem.

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