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1911A1 Magazines

3 years ago

Know thy Magazine. The M1911A1 was introduced in March of 1911. So for nearly 111 years, it has been used in Combat and Competition. Everyone and their brother has tinkered with the design with varying degrees of success. The magazine has had so many changes over the years that it barely reassemble the original design. Some have different feed lip designs. Some have different followers. Some different base plates. Whatever type your gun came with find that type when buying spares. Especially if it is aN Officer (3") model. The shorter the barrel/slide the faster it has to cycle. Note: The springs are critical as it has to push the next cartridge up in front of the breech face before the slide begins its forward movement at the end of its rearward travel. It all comes down to timing. So look closely at the magazine that came with your new pistol.


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