The Party of "Karens"? ? ?

3 years ago

The Party of "Karens": The new Democratic alienates non-whites voters

Democrats believed they had created an unbreakable "coalition of the ascendant" voters, driven by increasing participation of minority groups and college-educated women. But recent left-wing economic and policy woes have brought about a demographic realignment that threatens to sink Democrats' chances not just for 2022, but for the next several decades. As President Biden's approval ratings have tanked with non-white voters, the Democratic Party increasingly has become dominated by liberal white women.
Democrats worked to build a voting base composed of minorities and unmarried women. After Donald Trump's 2020 loss, it would appear the mission was being accomplished. White voters dropped from 81 percent of the electorate in 2000, to just 67 percent two decades later. Meanwhile, Biden carried a whopping 63 percent of single women in 2020.
Recent polling suggests that Hispanic and Black Americans are more likely to vote as individuals than as aggrieved racial blocs. In February, nearly 70 percent of Hispanic voters supported President Biden - by November, that number had crashed to below 50 percent. In early polling for the 2022 midterms, Hispanic voters split 37-37 percent between the two major parties in their congressional preferences.

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