2 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone is a very humble professional who was the driving force behind the development of the mRNA technology that is being used in vaccines today. Dr. Robert Malone has quite a backstory, and over 10 issued patterns all filed back in 1989 that gave him credit and he has quite an impressive background. Clearly, he is a deep insider, he knows Tony Fauci personally and he has worked closely with the Department of the Defense and he is one of the ones that got Merck involved regarding the ebola outbreak. Tech clearly has a censorship agenda when it comes to COVID-19, whether regarding treatment or whether regarding putting out information that would make one prone to ‘vaccine hesitancy’. If Dr. Robert Malone does not have merit to be in the conversation than who does? And the people who work at twitter are not qualified to make such a decision. The point is if it is not ‘ok’ for Dr. Robert Malone to be part of the conversation, then who can be allowed to be a part of the conversation. No one can debate that Dr. Robert Malone played a major of role in the development of the MRNA technology. It really starts to touch on some fundamental positions regarding freedom of speech. Theres no way to confirm what was the tweet that got Dr. Robert Malone deplatformed, and this isn’t the first time this has happened, this happened with Linkedin as well. There are many many studies that show that natural immunity is superior to any other type of immunity. So what is the trusted news initiative? The BBC announced to the world that this organization that ties Big Technology to Big Government was built specifically to protect voting integrity from hostile offshore players. Shortly after it was created, there was an awareness in the pharmaceutical industry that this could be used against the perioral anti-vaxxers. It makes it really easy for the media to take people off the table that they deem to be spreading false information. Remember, Tony Fauci and Francis Collins the director of the NIH basically came out and said that they would ridicule and destroy “fringe epidemiologists” and what was their crime? Their crime was raising concerns over the effectiveness of locking down society over the pandemic. What we’re seeing with Vaers today, or vaccine adverse events reports, we’re seeing an explosion of mortality directly after COVID-19 injection. There are also a lot of rumors that hospitals are getting paid per COVID-19 death and then they are compensated by the government. Basically, there is a $3,000 death of COVID-19 incentive and there is also an incentive to report positive COVID-19 patients and the hospitals receive bonuses if the hospitals can declare patients to be COVID-19 positive. And tragically, there is also an incentive to put people on ventilators. And now Pfizer is caught red-handed in discharging patients that experienced adverse side effects from the vaccine during test trials. Who is signing off on this and how are they getting away with it.

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