Residents fury after mountain of rubbish dumped by fly-tippers not cleared in FOUR years

2 years ago

Angry residents have slammed a council for failing to clear fly-tipped rubbish outside their homes which has grown into a stinking 30ft mountain of waste over the last four years.

Homeowners living on Ford Street, near to Birmingham's historic Jewellery Quarter, have been left with festering piles of trash on their doorsteps since 2018.

Parents are refusing to let their children play outdoors due to the rat-infested mounds which has also left people too embarrassed to invite friends and family around.

Locals say shameless fly-tippers have been making their lives a living hell by repeatedly adding to the huge pile while the council has done nothing to remove it.

Dad-of-four Arjan Singh, 44, who lives on the road in Hockley, said: "People are going to be visiting our city this summer and are going to see eyesores like this.

"What opinion do you think visitors are going to be left with when they see things like this? It is embarrassing.

"It began four years ago and nothing was done to clear the streets and then during the pandemic it has just got worse and worse."

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