Back Pain Relief in 5 Steps Back Pain Breakthrough

2 years ago

Back Pain Relief in 5 Steps:
1. Healthy Weight
a. Being overweight puts extra stress on your back. Eat a good diet by consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, and eat fewer calories than your body expends each day. Also, drinking more water. Ideally, moderation is the key.
b. My book Walking for Health and Fitness has a whole chapter on what I call my Win-Win diet. Eating a balanced nutritious diet and walking will get you to a healthy weight in no time. Best of all, you’ll look forward to getting out and walking.
c. The mind-body connection brought about by walking is something that most other fitness workouts can’t match. How can you focus on that new business idea, or how to solve a pressing problem in your life if you are huffing and puffing and working your body so hard you want to puke?
d. Your good diet will fuel your walking. Walking will burn more calories allowing you to eat more and still lose weight.

2. Strong Muscles
a. Strong muscles in your legs, your core, and your back - support your spine which prevents degeneration of your spinal system, bones and discs.
b. The breakdown of your back’s support system happens when your spine is working too hard. My book Fitness Walking and bodyweight exercise has the core four exercise plan you need to supercharge your fitness and maintain good back health
3. Stress Relief
a. Tension is held in the shoulders and travels down the spine which affects your central nervous system.
b. My book Walking inspiration is a 12-month plan to inspire you to walk, but more importantly, it will inspire you to be a better you.
c. Each month it will challenge you to focus on improving one aspect of your life whether its goal setting, supercharging your fitness, knowing your why in life, or just breathing.
d. The quotes for that month keep you focused on the monthly topic. Knowledge is power and having more awareness will help reduce your stress level… thus helping your back pain.

4. Good Posture
a. Having good posture especially while sitting will keep your spine in alignment and help prevent bulging discs and degenerative issues with your spine, and hips.

5. Loose, Stretched Muscles
a. Tense, tight muscles lead to posture problems and the downward spiral leads to back pain. Over time, your back pain becomes chronic and leads into the downward spiral towards depression. And trust me, it only took 5 months of pain to get me to the point of mild depression.

As you can see, my walking books cover the first three aspects of back pain relief… Number 4 and 5 are covered by Dr. Steve Young and his Back Pain Breakthrough program…

Getting ahead of back pain is a must.
If you are in pain right now, begin the first 3 steps above.
• Lose weight,
• Build strong muscles in your core, and
• Reduce stress.
• Practice good posture to reduce the risk of degenerative issues
• Get loose especially in your core muscles.

If I had Dr. Young’s Program back then, it would have saved me from pain, save me lost time from work and family events, and it would have saved me a lot of money.

Dr. Young’s program combines gentle stretching to relieve muscle tightness. It’s so simple that you can do it throughout your day with no disruption of your normal work or home life activities. Get more Back Pain Breakthrough information below.

Then his program teaches good posture while sitting and standing at your workstation.

His videos show how to properly lift objects, and have protocols for a host of back-related issues such as pinched nerve, muscle imbalance, disc, and stenosis issues, and has pain and inflammation tips.

Check out my books and the back pain program below

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This is Frank,
Walk on

Bumper music by Frank S. Ring

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