What Blocks Men’s Highest Potential

2 years ago

This is the wound holding us men back and here’s what it causes 👇🏼👇🏼

Wives disconnected from their hearts , their gifts , their joy… themselves
Children who receive and repeat the same wounding and same disconnection.
Families torn apart due to a fight or a mistake made during one drunken incident …

After all … it’s all a reflection of you…. You’re the man … aren’t you?

I know … cause this was all me. To the outside world I was a success … yet inside … inside was a different story

See … As man we have been programmed to stay away from our deepest feelings … feelings are scary and feelings are “ feminine “ which way the scariest shit of all for an unawakened man .

So all we know is to go out and “work hard to provide a better life “ which creates 2 men :

1. The Alpha male : Power hungry , success driven … defined by materialism and accomplishment … yet deeply unhappy and disconnected from himself
2. The Beta Male : Too feminine , seen as weak because he feels weak … and can never earn enough on his own to “provide a better life “ so he too is deeply disconnected from himself
Weekends come and NFL/ MLB sports help us feel ALIVE , Alcohol Masks the pain … while destroying the body .

Deep DEEP Shit … and scary once you’re ready to unravel it all … yet what I can tell you is this : It’s possible and it’s worth it .

Your woman will heal , your family will heal , your relationship with your brothers will heal , your relationship with your parents will heal … all of it heals as you do. When it does :

Your body will heal , your mind will quiet , your money will flourish … for you would have finally awakened and seen the truth .

The truth of who you really are and all you were meant to BE


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