Kamala Harris Claims She's A Gun Owner To Justify Taking Away Your Guns

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During last night's presidential debate, Kamala Harris decided she was going stand on Business about her wanting to take guns away and said this:

“Tim Walz and I are both gun owners,” Harris said, referencing her Vice President pick... “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away.”

Here's the problem with this statement. It's a lie.

It says right on her campaign website that She’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. https://kamalaharris.com/issues/

Kamala has also said it multiple times out of her own mouth.

Kamala Harris isn’t just your typical anti-gun politician; she’s got a dictatorial streak. Sure, she might own a gun, but that doesn’t make her pro-Second Amendment. She’s anti-you having a gun. That’s how dictators operate—they want all the control, and they’ll use whatever means necessary to get it. You think she doesn’t like guns? She loves them—just not in your hands.

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#GunControl SecondAmendment #GunRights #KamalaHarris

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