😈 What if i told you Karens were really Demons!?! Dirty Uncleaned Spirits.🔥Must Watch Compilation

2 years ago

This Video is to show the manifestations of these dirty unclean spirits or Demons in human vessels which we now Call "KARENS". While others see it as funny and jokes these people behave and act in rebellion like their father of lies. Aetheists or non believers these are negative Energies. You dont have to believe what i say, you can see it for yourselves.

Alot of these negative attachments in humans manifest in vile acts for example: Spitting, cursing, urinating, defecating, hitting, verbal abuse, dead evil eyes. Odors include foul like sewer or sulfur. They are lower vibration energies entities that need negativity for power source. This is why they insult, cuss you in order for you to put out negative energy they need and want you to become negative as well...You can deny it but evil has always used a human host to hurt fellow man.

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