Quarantine time shortens amid Omicron surge; CCP setting trap to reel in Wall Street money

2 years ago

Although Omicron cases reached a record high, a growing number of countries including the United states, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and Argentina relaxed their quarantine rules. In America, the CDC changed the quarantine period from 10 days to five days regardless of vaccination status.

Despite record levels of infections around New Year’s Eve,, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told people to “enjoy the evening” while the New South Wales Premier urged everyone to "head out and celebrate". New Zealand also celebrated, easing restrictions this week. Moreover, New Year's celebrations in Times Square went on as usual, but with scaled back attendance.

China Mobile is closing its operations in Canada. The Canadian government stated that China Mobile is a Chinese state-owned enterprise and that China is a country that would pose a significant threat to Canada through espionage and foreign interference operations.

China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile, the three largest Chinese telecom operators, have delisted in the U.S. and transferred back to China. This phenomenon shows that the CCP seems to have designed a new roadmap.

The CCP is not so powerful once you know their tactics👇

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