Dr. Robert Malone mentions plausible reason why U.S. hospitals are attacking early COVID treatment

2 years ago

Early treatment for COVID is under intense attack. During his recent interview with Joe Rogan, dr. Robert Malone mentioned a likely reason why U.S. hospitals are attacking (physicians who provide) early treatment

One part of the attack is directed toward the medications used. An example is hydroxychloroquine, that has been extremely safe for 60 years and countless billions of doses. However, when 2020 came, it was all of a sudden very toxic according to the authorities, as 'proved' by fraudulent studies (see for instance 'Lancetgate') and rigged studies that killed already deathly ill patients with highly toxic overdoses.

Then there is of course 'horse drug' ivermectin where authorities and fake stream media manufactured fake stories about hospital emergency rooms being overrun with people who had allegedly taken overdoses over this drug. In reality it turned out that not one single patient had presented with an ivermectin overdose. Ivermectin was also suspected of causing liver toxicity, but there is no mention of ivermectin toxicity in books on hepatotoxicity and the VigiAccess database also shows not even the slightest reason for concern.

The other part of the attack is directed toward the physicians who (intend to) provide early treatment or prophylaxis for COVID patients. They are ridiculed, viciously attacked (e.g. as quacks), fired, fined, sued, their licenses are stripped, et cetera. Examples are drs. Peter McCullough, Robert Malone and Kirk A. Milhoan from Maui.

The attacks mostly come from hospitals and hospital administrators. Why are they doing this? We can't know for certain yet, but we have a strong clue.

Hospitals and hospital administrators earn boatloads of money, paid for by taxpayers, for (mis)treating COVID patients. Dr. Paul Marik has explained this earlier. Hospitals get a 20% bonus on their ENTIRE bill if they use highly toxic and ineffective remdesivir:


More recently, dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet went into much more detail. She explained that hospitals earn on average at least $100 000 bonus per COVID patient.


Now the puzzle pieces start to come together. If COVID patients are treated early, they won't need hospital treatment, which means the hospitals and hospital administrators miss out on boatloads of revenue and bonuses respectively.

Are the hospital administrators really that depraved that they would essentially kill citizens and try to ruin physicians who are just following their Hippocratic Oath? We can't prove it for sure yet, but by now all the generous explanations have been exhausted. The ungenerous explanations are becoming more and more certain. Big Pharmaffia and 'profits over patients' seem to be very accurate and well-deserved terms.

There WILL be a reckoning for the crimes committed by these people, sooner or later, one way or the other. Their behavior is out in the open now. Once the population has woken up, which will happen inevitably, these criminals will have to account for their behavior. The excuses used by nazi criminals ― "We didn't know" and "An order is an order" ― will not be sufficient to save them.

SOURCE: This segment has been taken from dr. Robert Malone's visit on The Joe Rogan Podcast on December 30th, 2021. You can easily find it on Spotify.com. The segment starts around 1h14m45s.

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