Bone Health Strategies

3 years ago

I see too many patients who have been diagnosed with osteopenia, osteoporosis and sarcopenia (muscle loss) not knowing they can engage simple strategies to avoid these disorders in the first place and that their are natural ways to rebuild strong bones and muscles.

If you are taking any prescription and/or over the counter drugs, please be diligent in researching any potential side effects. In this case any side effects that may be contributing to the weakening of your bones. For example, even an over the counter antacid can affect your body's ability to properly breakdown minerals for beneficial absorption.

Five main strategies on your path to optimal bone health are: exercise, proper mineral absorption, vitamin D & K, optimal stomach acid pH, and addressing autoimmune disorders.

Also be aware that one of the most common bone density tests utilizes ionizing radiation. There are other tests that can be used in order to reduce your exposure to radiation.

Obviously, it is best to be proactive in utilizing optimal whole health strategies that promote excellent bone health and prevent bone loss but it is never too late to take action to rebuild your bones.

As always, I am not suggesting the strategies I mention are a cure to any disease and recommend that all do their own research in order to make informed decisions.

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