Labeling your dog "dominant".

2 years ago

Labeling your dog "dominant".
Contrary to popular belief, dominance is not a dog's personality trait, but rather a behavior in a given situation. Most dogs that owners think are dominant are actually insecure. They growl and move forward out of fear and insecurity.
Your dog does not have the reasoning so elaborate that he can see into the past or predict the future. He does not know the consequences of his actions and does not reason in this way. Your dog does everything that he thinks is normal and natural, even if to you it seems wrong.
Gnawing, digging, barking, hunting... your dog is a dog! Channel his instincts into appropriate things, give him toys to chew, play a lot, and spend his energy with walks.
A dog, just like children, needs clear limits to avoid undesirable behavior, such as destruction, peeing and pooping around the house and other behavioral problems.
A dog doesn't do anything out of obligation, he wants a reward. Even if this reward is a cuddle or a compliment.
Want to know how to make your doggy look beautiful click on the link in the video description:

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