ag yacks over aretha's gospel

2 years ago

aretha really is the best
dig that scrunchie
my dream starred tyler buckingham, i will have to let him know
i don't think tyler is was a fratboy but he looks like one
this dream is very significant to me which is why i am talking about it
i wonder what tyler will think about it
thank you for the nonexistent turn signal
people who don't use turn signal...tip of the iceberg
i don't think tyler has a g/f cos he woulda bitched about her on stage by now
women will listen to other women considering the vagina
i am some sorta shaman, cos i've healed myself
instincts told me a lotta shit
throw psych meds into toilet & keep smoking weed
research, research, research
no need for church, just walk around n talk to God
any church/book/experience...oppornity to learn n grow
evolutionary mind over here
college is a ponzie scheme, authority figures are full of shit
meds for sickness i don't have???
it's all backwards, how can people not see that
same instinct, present at 6 yrs old
news media and everybody else is acting
the higher up are doin what they're told by even higher ups
follow the $ and ask more questions
PAY ATTENTION (esp to what they DON'T talk about)
instinct comes from God, i ain't smart but spiritual
religion don't mean shit without the spirit to back it up
music made by protestants is still the best
gospel could never be redundant
i am not a witch doctor and i come without snakes
observations have taught me a lot
just true shit about men south of the border
they don't care about rape, murder, etc if it goes against their narrative
what kind of a name is jussie
don't expect anything from this shit world
use your trauma to strengthen your relationship with the Lord
God ain't playing games, He ain't a woman
sometimes we need to be chastised (i definitely have)
not everything is punishment
bowl of peanut butter, so good
already listened to gospel greats
totally forgot that i ordered yet another box of cds
5th cd order ain't as big, started with another brubeck album
God will provide tools for you to heal yourself
mental health professionals do what they're told (everybody does)
doin a buncha drugs led me to this point
if lsd leads to christianity then what's wrong w/ that
i hate it when people look at me, man
came to work early only to come here and eat this apple in the parking lot
i was very concerned for kimberly
if you don't say the right thing in the right way it will sound like the wrong thing
there is hope with self-awareness
anybody that is funny must be self-aware and observant
comedy by cyborgs for cyborgs
love takes a lot of patience and compassion
people love to bitch but won't work for what they (don't) want
if you're not willing to work, you don't deserve it
don't wanna bunk with them in a gulag, that's my concern
we dunno what's gonna happen, just gonna keep praying and working and making art
Jesus's return has been much anticipated
we have the Kingdom at all times
we have this option to always be with God but the material world will always try to rope you back in
passionate about music, it's taught me a lot about the person i am
what's most important you have within you
i assume that people either die or i'll never see them again
God is in you, so you don't have to look very far
enjoy church while you can, since we dunno how long that's gonna last
God will respond to motherfucker
the heat IS on!

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