i won't be a hypocrite in ways i can avoid

2 years ago

tempted to sit out in my car for another twenty min
ag explains cp time
been called an n.i.doubleG.a. many times
poc...condascending, rude, and presumptuous
as if blacks would send an email to whites on race relations
such an interesting story right there
one thing you can always expect ag...real as i can be
i get my rocks off freaking out the masses
they're so boring
i'll take all the criticism
i hate the route people have chosen to take
this country will make you lose it, but i appreciate what freedom we have left *don't take it for granite
lucky to understand why this is so important
boatload of awareness
i love the world becuz i hate the world and vise versa
are you sick yet?
must go into work now, ta ta

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