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Jan 6 was planned

3 years ago


This is a group of men who have no idea of when they are going to court, no ability to bail out, no ability to see their family, and being mistreated and abused worse than terrorists at Gitmo.

Today, I released my report called Unusually Cruel.

READ: http://greene.house.gov/unusually-cruel


  • 0/2000
  • MTG is such a Fire Cracker - if congress was filled with folks like her, America wouldn't be great again, it would be 2ND TO NO OTHER COUNTRY, and those other countries would be on fire to copy AMERICA!!!!

  • Cruel and unusual punishment, this Gov. will legaly get what's coming to them. FJB Trump 2024, congress and senate 2022

  • surely something can be done tto help these people... whoever is running that prison needs to be fired,,,along with the guards that have committed assaults

  • WHY, are the sheriffs in that county allowing this to happen?? Why, are the Veterans, Bikers, and Gang members NOT getting together and removing those that are creating that type of illegal environment to stay in place?? WHY, aren't the judges in the area doing something about this atrocity?? GOD please put a hedge of protection around ALL of those in that hellish place and please Bless and Keep their families... In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, AMEN...

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