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Rapture Part-8

3 years ago

Jesus is coming "for" those who are alive and Jesus is coming "with" those who are sleep. Hence He is coming for and with His saints.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Yet when we take the entire part of scripture from Matthew verse 22-32, we see that the days are shortened, there are many false christs, many false prophets, wolves in sheep clothing, and all these things are from all over the world and not just in Israel. For Israel is Daniel's 70th week, all over the world is the church, the elect is the church, also notice that Matthew 24:15-21 doe snot mention the elect at all, then we see that the sun, moon, stars, fig tree, angels at the 4 winds, and Jesus in Heaven where we meet Him form all over the world. None of these verses matches with the final 7 years and Israel. for there is only one false prophet, one false christ, everyone is coming against and surrounding Israel, and even the battle of Armageddon is around Israel. SO there is a big difference the scriptures 22-32 and 15-21 in Matthew. SHowing they are for 2 different people, the church/22-32 and the Jews/15-21, Matthew 24:16 “Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:” compared to Matthew 24:31 “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Yep truly 2 different times and 2 different people are being talked about there, the Jews, and the elect from all over the world.

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