How to Mud and Tape A Recess Drywall

3 years ago

Phil and John walk you through doing a recess and other things to watch for when dry-walling. Tips and tricks from two experienced drywall finishers. Little things when finishing that can easily trip you up.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:11 Showing where the recess in the drywall is
00:28 You have to have mud under the tape filling the recess or tape won't hold
00:44 Only need a 6" blade for recess
01:08 Pushing the tape into the mud, tear off with your knife
01:18 Goal is to get the area flat
01:40 You do the butts (baster joints), flats, then angles, and why in that order
03:00 Only way to learn drywall is by doing it. You can get some from the video, but have to do it
03:27 Forgive yourself when you make mistakes
03:40 constantly want to clean drywall knife and pan
04:00 Doing the corner-put mud on with one side of knife
04:25 Tape comes with a seam you use for your corners
04:50 Goal of drywall finishing is to make it as flat as possible
05:22 How to finish with minimal sanding needed
06:15 Do not want to sand the paper, sand where mud is
07:22 Why does a 6" knife have a hammer handle?
07:55 Screws vs Nails
10:00 Why you hang ceilings first
10:35 Why you want to have plenty of mud under your tape
12:09 Be an American not American't

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