Support and Balance Your Liver

3 years ago

Your liver is a super important organ because it directs the energy flow within your body. When it is out of balance, some of your organs and body parts will get too much energy and burn out and some will not get enough energy and they can't work properly.

Your liver is also the major organ that helps your body detoxify. It works directly with the lymphatic system to remove toxins from your body.

Strong liver energy is closely related to addictions as well. This is because excess liver energy causes tension/ anger and people who have a lot of tension often feel like they need a substance like alcohol or drugs to help them relax. Because their liver is strong, they can handle these excesses, for awhile.

Emotionally your liver is all about anger, assertiveness and courage.
When your liver is strong and healthy, you will be kind, patient and still have the assertiveness to make your visions/ goals a reality.

Out of balance you will either anger easily and be impatient and inflexible or you'll lose your courage and ability to make your dreams a reality.

Your liver gives your muscles energy by releasing glucose into the blood stream to provide energy. When you are stressed, your liver releases glucose even if you are not moving or exercising. Over time this excess blood sugar can lead to fat storage and blood glucose issues.

By keeping your liver balanced, you can lose excess fat and regulate blood sugar too, especially with a low sugar diet!

Balance your liver regularly to help you achieve your goals, be assertive, have courage and regulate the flow of energy in your body. You'll love the way you feel!

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