You can create a super gut! Unlisted Video

2 years ago

Linda sits across from me in my treatment room with her little six-month-old son Angus.

Angus was born by Caesarean and weighed a healthy 9 pounds at birth.

This is the good part.

The bad part comes next: when Linda discovered she couldn’t produce enough breast milk (Angus was born 2 weeks early) and he refused to attach she had to top Angus up with infant formula.

Within days he suffered his first real cold, severe enough for him to have a course of antibiotics.

Since then, he hasn’t been himself.

He not only has a persistent chesty cough, but he also grizzles a lot and is prone to snotty noses.

He even seems to suffer from anxiety (Linda is worried because her own nervous system isn’t very strong) and tends to cling to his mum.

He is a very light sleeper.

It’s almost as if his system is on high alert all the time and won’t allow him to relax.

Linda has heard some good stories about our wellness centre.

It is up to me to sort Angus out and get his immune system back on track.

As usual, I detect energy blockages, mineral imbalances and toxic overloads and correct these instantly with energy frequencies from my hands.

I also check which foods he is sensitive to and give Linda a list of items to avoid so his immune system gets a chance to recover.

This is the first step.

The second step is to educate Linda.

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